The Workshops roll on! As we get closer to our deadline, things are starting to slowly come together. This comes as some relief really, but there is still a hell of a long way to go!
We've kind of got some idea of content and style of how the piece will look. It's quite hard to visualize something so big, when we haven't really nailed down any definite images. But through a bit of coaxing, the guys in the group have given us dribbles of input as to what they'd like to see on the wall.
It's really encouraging to see these guys really start to develop these skills, and to see them really enjoying the process of creating! I was beginning to feel like they weren't getting any enjoyment out of the sessions, but it's great to see them pushing themselves more as time goes on. We've had to push them a bit as to what the concept of the wall is going to be, but that's part of our job as artists to help them generatetheir ideas!
We have a Consultation Day coming up on Saturday in the Town Hall in Truro with the local residents to give their thoughts on the project, and to give us some ideas of their own! We've got to show them all of the stuff that we've produced so far, and to get them involved, only to a certain extent! Hopefully we won't get to much negative feed back from them, and hopefully we won't have to rethink the whole thing!
We've got 2 workshops next week, trying to double our output as the deadline looms! Might be able to post up some mock ups of ideas of the whole piece by then too. Check you later!
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